Monday, June 6, 2011

Dream State

This Weekend's trip to Sew Obsessed has felt something like a dream. I'm not sure if it's because I'm incredibly exhausted or because I had so much fun. Probably both.
   I arrived Friday and taught my Fabric Flowers Class, which went really well.  I had a great turn out with 21 students in my first class at the shop and will be instructing a repeat class.(yay!) 

Saturday was especially rewarding. I was able to take a class from Tanya Greb. She is an unbelievable seamstress and teacher.  We made these gorgeous bags from the original pattern she created exclusively for our shop. The flowers she taught are part of the pattern and a technique that was popular in the 1920's. She's cool like that :) You should check out her blog- Bead and Needle

Don't you love this fabric?

Thanks Mom for helping me with Juju while I sewed my brains out!
It was a great trip, but I'm oh so glad to be home. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

  Linking here

P.S. Remember this camera strap cover??

Watch for a tutorial on Thursday!


Tanya said...

This is one hard working gal! SHE is an unbelieveable seamstress and teacher...anyone that can handle 21 students in one class, and turn out that many darling items, has my utmost respect!

Had a fabulous time this weekend - hope we can do it again. Your bag ROCKS! LOVE the combination of colors on the flowers.

CraftyCupcake13 said...

I LOVE this cute purse! I saw your link up over at “Embellishing Life:Craft Catwalk” and I LOVE it, I’m new to blogging, I’m your newest follower!! Yay.. you can find me here:


Nicky said...

that bag is gorgeous!... love all the combos... so pretty

Kelly said...

the fabrics are perfect. how fun!

Grace Bradford said...

love the bag! and your blog! im following now!

Jill said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time! I love that purse you made - lucky you having so much time away sewing!!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

AnneMarie said...

This has nothing to do with anything... but I am always have the cutest haircut Annie! Sounds like a super fun weekend!

LisaAnn said...

I love your bag! And yes, that fabric is very pretty! Nice job!

Carol said...

Love the fabric and love the bag!

Mare said...

so beautiful!!.... I love the bag:))....
the fabrics are perfect:))....

Anonymous said...

That bag is awesome! I love it! Hi! Following you from the Wednesday hop! Hope you'll come visit me and follow me back at:

Have a great day!

memakingdo said...

very cute bag! Stopping by from Someday Crafts.

Fabric Bows and More said...

Cute bag! Come and join our link party:

Whit said...

I love your bag and I can't wait for the camera strap tutorial. I am your newest follower. Thank you for sharing. I found you through a linky party. Come and say hi, enter my fun giveaway and vote for my picture. Thanks

A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

Emily said...

I love your blog! It's very cute!

Stopping by from the hop and am your newest follower!