
Monday, November 7, 2011

Handmade Holidays

Yes, it's true. All my Christmas decorations are up. I'm like that annoying radio station that starts playing Holiday tunes on November 1st. 
 My best friend, Sophia, was my partner in crime and we set up the 11 foot tree. It is a third generation hand-me-down, isn't pre lit and will scratch the dickens out of your arms, but love hurts, right? plus, my husband's too cheap to buy a new one :)

After everything was up (to the sounds of Michael Buble's Christmas album, no less) I stared around and thought: "there's so much more I want to add, I need to make some things".  We started that night by making paper chains out of old sheet music that was left in the piano bench from the original owner. There is so much more I want/need to do. Want to join me?  

Follow My handmade holiday series starting next Monday for great gift tutorials, holiday decor ideas and all things Christmas. Only 7 weeks to go!

Click here to read the schedule and dates for this exciting series, and don't forget to button up.

Handmade Holiday Series


  1. I'm buttoned up & ready to party! Not even close to decorating over here but I will be making decor and repurposing old stuff.

  2. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeves :) I just kicked off my own Homemade for the Holidays series today, I'd love it if you checked it out:


  3. Woohoo! Yay for early Christmas Decor! I'd have mine up if I wasn't have a huge b-day party in a few weeks and need all the seating space I can get - so no room for a tree yet!
    Can't wait to see some of your upcoming Xmas projects!

  4. Yay for Christmas! I'm not allowed to put our tree and decorations up until December! but I can at least start the crafting! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. This might be the kick-start I need! I have been working on some jewelry for an upcoming show in December, though...are you going to have a linky party thing for this? Just wondering - grabbed your button and have it on my blog, cute girl! XO

  6. Love that gold banner. So fun! I want to join... Since I have like NO xmas stuff. I'll be reading!

  7. I just became your newest follower! Your decor is lovely & I can't wait to see your holiday tutorials. Thanks for sharing!
    PS. Come enter my giveaway on my blog!

  8. Ooh this looks like so much fun!! Cant wait to see all the handmade goodies :) New follower. Would love it if you would stop by and share this at my linky party :)

    Also, PRETTY PLEASE stop by and check out Random Acts of Kindness Week going on all next week!! I would love it if you could participate!! More info here:

  9. What lovely Christmas decorations! I feel so behind because I haven't started yet! Love the music paper chains! Just started following you and would love it if you would check out my blog at

  10. So excited to see what you've got up your sleeve! I've starting up a collection handmade gift ideas over at my little blog. Hopefully I will actually get some of them made! :)

  11. I LOVE the music paper chain idea. What a good way to use up sheet music that no one will play.:)

  12. can't wait to see it in real life! I love looking out my back door and seeing your lights... so festive!


  13. This is such a lovely idea. I will be displaying the button proudly on my blog. Would love it if you had time to pop by and link up to my new Monday Christmas Link party. It's starting this week.

  14. Such a fun idea! We pulled out our Christmas decor this weekend and it makes me so happy! So glad you linked up with us! Have a great week!


  15. Everyone of your friends and relatives must surely be having fun going to your home, you decorate your home lovely and the atmosphere is welcoming.
