
Monday, April 4, 2011

Pattern Review: Heather Bailey's Smarty Girl Book Bag

Since I am sewing so freakin much, I've decided to start review the patterns. Maybe this is a way to make myself feel better about not being able to review ANY books lately. I've been reading the 6th Harry Potter since NOVEMBER. I'm serious. You know you got problems when it takes you longer than a few days to finish HP.
But Needless to say, I'm having a blast sewing up a storm for the store displays.
Here is one I whipped up while in St. George.

The Pattern:
My finished bag:

( crappy camera phone pic, sorry!)

I'm not exaggerating when I say this bag is INCREDIBLY simple to make. It only took me a couple of hours from start to finish (including cutting!). This is the absolute perfect project for a beginner who wants to learn a few new techniques, like how to sew ruffles, or put corners into a bag. Heather's directions are also really easy to understand and she explained things really well.
I have to pat myself on the back for these fabric choices. I like them better than the pattern cover picture. (who can go wrong with amy butler?)

Oh yes, and the extra fabric scraps came in handy to sew some cute lanyards . My sister said I'd never loose my keys again. She was wrong.

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