
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pattern Review: Simply Jane by Cosette's Closet

 Here's My Final Product:
This Pattern was as the name implies simple, but the instructions really weren't that great.  I chose to make the dress with out a ruffle, because the one on the pattern just looks a little too homemade for me.  I like a handmade look just not a homemade look. You know what I'm trying to say?  Probably just making myself sound like a snot.  Anyway, I finished it from start to finish in an hour and a half, which always makes me happy, but was a little disappointed with some of the measurements. The Button Plaque, for instance, was way smaller than it appears on the pattern cover. It felt a little like she didn't take enough time to test her pattern. I have made her other patterns and like them, but I was slightly disappointed with this particular one. That being said, I'd make another one.  A dress that only take 1 1/2 hours start to finish is my kind of project. 

Linking to these parties


  1. the dress you made is so cute! i prefer it without the ruffle on the bottom too. I totally get what you mean about the difference between hand vs home made, makes sense and I don't think it's snotty at all.

  2. I think the dress is adorable!

  3. That dress is super cute! You did a great job!

  4. Adorable, I like the color combination!!

    I'm so following you!!!

  5. adorable, love love the fabric. thanks for sharing this at my party!

  6. Very interesting dress! I'll have to look up her other patterns because I don't think I've ever seen them!

  7. I love how that little dress turned out! So sweet. Thanks for linking to Fabric Tuesday :)

  8. Beautiful! I'm posting about this tomorrow at Its Sew Fun:
    Thanks for posting!

  9. I TOTALLY know what you're saying about homemade vs. handmade! I've said that before and had people look at me like I was crazy, but there's a big difference!
