
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

a few favorites and a WINNER!

Thanks everyone for entering the Heather Bailey Fabric Giveaway! We have officially chosen a winner (randomly, of course). Don't be too sad, we do a giveaway every week (sometimes twice a week) on other blogs. Click on my giveaway button in my sidebar to see what we are offering this week!
Congrats Xina (a.k.a csims)!
Email me your contact info so I can ship your goods asap!

Now, onto a few favorites from...

I cannot wait for these patterns to arrive and to start working on them, but sad that Sandi's won't be available until November.  Keep your eyes peeled, we'll be carrying them in our shop soon.


  1. That Izzy & Ivy dress is ADORABLE!

  2. wow, what beautiful, sweet things! I love seeing all these beautiful QM pics!!!

  3. I'm so jealous of everyone that went to the quilt market! How fun...I probably would have had to be dragged outta there! lol! I hope you'll post pics of your adventurs so I can live vicariously throught these blog lol!
    Congrats to Xina on your win :)
