
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Truth be told

If you have met me in real life, then you know I'm a pretty frank person.  Not in mean way, never in a mean way, but growing up with British parents has a certain influence on you in a sarcastic, teasing and say what you think way.

I'm about to get real with you people.

My husband can seriously bug the bleep out of me. I mean really really annoy me.

On Saturday I told him I was going to go buy a new swimsuit to which he responded "Don't get a 'mom' swimsuit." What? What does that mean anyway? Thanks for making me feel old, and P.S. I am a Mom.  The Mom to your children. I could write for miles about instances like this one. I told him I would hate him if I didn't love him.

But that's just thing isn't it? I do love him.

And that love continues to grow. When I see him playing with Alfie or changing Juju's diaper, it grows. When I see how incredibly hard he works for our family, it grows. When I see him stepping out of his comfort zone to try things "I wish he'd do more", it grows. When I see how patient he is with our children, it grows. When I see how generous he is, it grows.   Everyday he does things that make me love him more. Occasionally he does something that makes me crazy, but all the good out weighs any bad.

I just tell myself if anything happened to him, I'd really miss those stupid comments, and then I feel much better.


  1. Translate "mom swimsuit" into "something I'd see on my mom" - maybe he just thinks you are attractive and looks forward to seeing you in a cute swimsuit :) C'mon... read positively into those obnoxious husband comments, its the only way we keep from killing them some days lol.

  2. Ha ha ha! I think you should take that "mom" comment as a compliment. I think what he is really saying is, "hey, you're hot, you should show it off" ;)

    You should come by and join my "Truth Be Told Tuesday" party!
