
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Now you know where the Hub gets his good looks
I've been thinking about Steve's Mom a lot lately.
See her beautiful smiling face in this picture?
She literally always looks like that.  
It's hard to describe her, because there really isn't a collection of words that can capture who she is.
You've heard people say "they would do anything for anyone", but I've never met a person who truly lives up to that statement, until I met Steve's Mother.   
She's kind of amazing.
She's been through a lot too.
She fell off a cliff at Lake Powell a few years ago and sustained a brain injury. She had brain surgery and a difficult recovery and now on top of that she's dealing with Breast Cancer.
Sometimes life seems a little unfair, but I imagine when god was handing out trials she kept raising her hand, "oh, I'll take that one, and that one too." Because she is just that way.


  1. She is beautiful. Lifting her up in prayer.

  2. This post brought some serious tears to my eyes. LOVE Aunt Terry. She truly is one of a kind.

  3. She sounds like a great person.

    Following from the Wandering Wednesday Hop. Hope you'll visit me at!

  4. This is such a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing. Will say a prayer for her and your family :hugs:

  5. This is so beautiful. Yes, it hard to understand trials. Our family has had many too. I'm saying a prayer for her and your whole family as you support her through this. I'm sure she will be so blessed to read this post.
