
Friday, June 10, 2011

Oh Boy.

What about 3 year old boys makes them want to be so inappropriate? What is it about pee, poo and toots that's so hilarious, anyway?
It seems harmless enough and even pretty funny at times.
Though, I'm not in love with those kind of comments when we're out in public.  The other day he yelled "Kids have wieners!!!" in an uppity little boutique that was dead quiet at the time.  I'm sure my face was magenta, and the childless 19 year old working there was thoroughly appalled. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. Some day he'll learn, it's Boys who have wieners (and some boys can be wieners) but for today I'm content to enjoy those silly moments, because before he knows it I'll be the one embarrassing him.


  1. I can so relate! I have 2 sons and their father so pretty much 3 sons. For the most part I find the things they do pretty amusing however, I am with you on the 'out in public' thing ;-)

  2. We have similar type drama here in my house. 2 boys and it's unavoidable. But you're right...sometimes it's SO hard to keep that straight face. My 4 yr old knows you're only supposed to say bathroom words in the bathroom. For him, that counts public bathrooms. You should see the looks we get from older ladies...:)

  3. This is hilarious. Jack is almost 3 so I'm sure my time is coming to be embarrassed. You kids are adorable.

  4. haha that is hilarious. i laughed out loud :) i don't have any littles yet, but i grew up with a younger brother. i can only imagine what life will be life if we have boys :)

  5. So funny. I have 3 boys and I still can't figure out why they love that kind of talk sooo much!

  6. I am soooooo on the same page as you! I have 2 and 3 year old boys ~ and run an in home day care with mostly boys! My 3 year old is constanly grabbing his boy parts, my 2 year old is constantly grabbing his daddy's boy parts, and one of my day care moms told me the other day her 3 year old boy talks about me all the time at the dinner table! He says "Miss Stephie's *boompies* (boobs) are squishier and bigger than yours mommy!" Right in front of the dad! Now that is EMBARRASSING!

    But you are right - smile while you can because one day you will be the one embarrassing them!!!

  7. It only gets worse with time too, Annie! Only gets worse. :-) Something to look forward to...glad to make your day. :-) Have a wonderful weekend with that darling boy, and adorable JuJu...Tanya

  8. funny. only problem for me with two boys is that the third, my girl, wants to be just like em. ;) ~d.
