
Monday, July 11, 2011

Flash Back

Oh yes I did!

  My Sisters Lorna, Leah and I went to then New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys concert while I was in Vegas for the 4th.  
I'm not going to lie, It rocked my world.

When I was in Middle and High School I was a DIE HARD Backstreet fan, So I would have loved to have seen them alone, but I will admit that NKOTB still had moves and they proved it by doing the exact steps from their music videos in the 80's!  

I'm Serious, If you get the chance to see this concert, You must.

During the concert I kept wondering why I thought Joey McIntyre was so hot.  Then I found this picture of Steve from the summer we met!

Steve Hutchings 2002
Joey McIntyre 2002

That explains it :) he he he...


  1. looks like so much fun!!! LOL!! @ the pics!

  2. Hehehe... LOVED this post :) Glad you had fun!

  3. So this shows how much older I am than you, but I was a die hard New kids fan in middle school! lol Not an inch of my bedroom wall wasn't covered in posters of them. You can have Joey...I call Jon! lol

  4. I went to see the NKOTB when they came to Seattle back in 2009. Loved it! I was the biggest fan. May favorite New Kid? Joey of course! ;)

    Glad you had a great time!

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella
