
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What I wore (and made) Wednesday: Perfectly Pleated Clutch

Do you all remember this clutch I was lusting after?
Well, I took Tanya's Class and made one of my own. I think it turned out pretty darn cute too. The pattern is from Amy Butler's Book. She's always got great looking bags, but calls for WAY TOO much fabric, so Tanya changed the requirements for this class. The main bag panel was made with only 1/2 yard of fabric, pleats and all!
I know, She's awesome. That's why I keep traveling down to Vegas for her classes!

Do you love these fabrics as much as I do? They are by Jay McCarrol, you may have seen him on Project Runway a few seasons back. He went on to apprentice under Kaffe Fassett and this is his new line. ME LOVE. 
I absolutely love having a clutch to take on date night, I just throw my wallet and phone in it and voila, I'm off. No diapers or Wipes (though they'd easily fit)

I used this bag when we went to the NKOTBSB concert :) and also wore my new favorite article of clothing: knit pencil skirts! I bought one, but am planning on sewing a few.
They are so comfortable, cute and cool (as in not hot).

Top: J. Crew
Skirt: Target
Shades: Prada
Clutch: Made by me

Oh, and you're wondering who's GORGEOUS home I'm standing in?
 yeah, that's my sister's.
Here's a better shot. 
Belongs in a magazine, right? 

Linking Here and Here


  1. WOW - her house really does belong in a magazine!

  2. K love your clutch, your darling skirt (if you make one, I will buy one from you...thank you very much ha) and your sisters house!! Wow you two are so chic, you've got it all going on!!

  3. You are too stinkin' adorable for words! You AND that house belong in a magazine! Heard the concert ROCKED!

  4. So adorable! I love it. Found you on Eisy Morgan and so happy I did as I'm your newest follower :)

  5. WOW! You are adorable and yes your sisters house is AMAzing!!! Jealous of you both!

  6. so cute! i've been wanting to make some clutches. Lorna's house looks gorgeous!

  7. Love that clutch, so dang cute, that fabric is to die for to :) Wish I lived in Vegas! K and this is random, your sister's house is you know where she got her couches? I LOVE them. I have been looking high and low for cute white couches but can't find anything anywhere! Have a fabulous day!

  8. I love your skirt! ANd that house really is phenomenal.

    Ask the Duplex

  9. Hello! Found your blog from V at bumblebeans - love your projects, and your sister's house is lovely! and now - off to Target to find that cute skirt! :)

  10. I stopped by form WIWW and oh my gracious, me oh my!!! I am in love with this is beautiful!!!! i am following!

  11. Love her home! do you sell the things you are making?

  12. You and your project is so adorable! I love your sister's home, thank you for sharing gorgeous pictures!

  13. I love Amy Butler. Good job on the bag. Your sister's house is adorable! You look adorable! Love the photos. I saw you at Truly Lovely's blog hop, and am your newest follower on GFC and Facebook. Have a good day!

  14. your clutch is fabrics!!
