
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fetching Finds: Mirror Wall

Does anyone every really finish decorating their home? I know I don't.  
I take that back, When we lived in our first home, ( a town-home) after 2 years of living there, I finished decorating it. We put it up for sale immediately and moved.  he he he
I've got a LOT more decorating to do in my current house, so it's nice to say that one more wall is finished.
My sister picked up this Mirror at the public auction for me for only 20 bucks.  I wish you could feel how heavy it is. It could kill a man. was that inappropriate?
Really though, this thing is high quality and just my style, so I asked my husband to hang it in the bathroom, and set it on the floor just below where I had imagined it.  

When I came home he had hung it on the wrong wall!  Curse words!!
Now I had a really heavy mirror that was a pain to hang on a wall that was WAY too big for it.  
I have to choose my battles, so I gathered some plates I had laying around, picked up a few from the local thrift store and even stole a few out of the kitchen cupboard. The mirror hangs directly behind the bathroom mirror and gives the room a whole new openness.
I admit, The result was better than the original plan.  Good Job Steve!


  1. LOVE the new wall - and the new hair! AND, the camera strap - thank you, thank you, thank you! It rocks as hard as you do, Annie...Happy Thursday!

  2. Your house is so beautiful! I love it!

  3. LOVEEEE! I love plates as well, but your collection is beyond amazing! New follower from Paisley Passions link up party! :)

  4. Oh my Gosh! I am totally tripping! Annie it's me Connie that you used to work with at the Mirage day spa. AHHHHH small world!I am totally wierded out. I found you on Gluesticks! I love your wall by the way I am your newest follower.

  5. Love your wall and your plate collection!

  6. It's beautiful! What a lucky mistake ;)
    By the way... Bought some fabric from you and I loooove it! Thanks!

  7. The mirror and plates look fabulous! and no - I don't think anyone ever really finishes decorating their house - there's always something else....

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. Your wall of plates and mirror look wonderful! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  9. That is a beautiful mirror! And such pretty plates to frame it with! Thanks for sharing your lovely wall on Fancy This Fridays!!!

  10. It's all about being innovative. Love the mirror! Enjoy your renovating.

  11. I like the wall with all those plates and huge mirror. I wish to have something like that some day. I liked the camera strap as well :)

    We have a link-up party going on - Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. I would really appreciate if you'd link up some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.
