
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Floppy Flo Quilt

Behold, one of my all-time favorite quilts.

 Made by my Mother, of course
Yes, those are hand embroidered Raggedy Ann's. 
She picked up the antique top already pieced and her friend suggested she embroider in the white squares, which she obviously did using a "Floppy Flo" book, and then she hand-quilted the thing!

She made another similar to it that actually has blue Andy's in-between the Ann's. My Sister has it (shaking my fist into the air)  but she told me I can have this one when she die's (in 100 years) and I am going to cherish the crap out of this beauty.  It's got some serious sentimental value considering my room was decorated in Raggedy Ann's when I was little. 

Ain't nothin' raggedy about this quilt!
(I couldn't resist)


  1. I love it!!!!! It is absolutely adorable with the Raggedy Anns in the blank squares.

  2. So sweet, Annie! Your mom does beautiful work! See you next weekend...Tanya

  3. Very pretty! Hope to do an Irish chain myself some day.

  4. I had to stop by and see your beautiful quilt! I love it! And how wonderful to have this one from your mom and that she also made a blue Raggedy Andy one!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  5. So lovely! Ragedy Ann is so classic, perfect for the quilt!

  6. SO eye catching - BEAUTIFUL!

    BTW-I'm hosting a fabric giveaway over at my blog - swing by if you get a chance:

    -Q @ JAQS

  7. Oh such a beautiful quilt. Hope you do get to own it one day.
    Happy days.
