
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What I Wore in San Fran

Steve and I made a very short 36 hour trip to San Francisco last week.
I so wish it would have been a little longer, seeing it was my first time there.

We got upgraded for free to a suite at our hotel (yay Expedia!), but I'm pretty sure they made up for it with a $60 breakfast buffet and $57 Valet parking. I wish I was joking. 

We of course had to see the Golden Gate Bridge and it was all it's chalked up to be, and the fog moved through so quickly we had to wait for the perfect moment to take a picture.

And we saw David Beckham on the trail, oh, wait no, that was just my hot husband.
(You can roll your eyes now)

Then we hit up China Town (which is one of my favorite NYC activities), and it did not disappoint.
I take that back, Steve bought a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup there that had to be at least 3 years old and it smelled like clothes your grandma has had in the back of her closet for 50 years.

But it did make for some good laughs, I guess the Chinese aren't into peanut butter in their treats.

Steve had to try on a hat and I was busting a gut, but a little weirded out thinking how many other people have probably had that hat on their head.

It was a very fleeting getaway, but who wouldn't love to come home to these cuties and give them their new pajamas.

Shirt: Down East Outfitters
Skirt: Made by me
Belt: Vintage
Slip: Made by me
Earrings: Express


  1. Wow, love that skirt and shirt!!
    San Fran is my favorite city to visit, I eat a ton of sourdough bread when I am there!

  2. PLEASE tell me you bought that hat for Steve! LOVE the skirt, Annie. GREAT use of a great fabric! And those pajamas rock...glad you had a good trip (I do have to admit that China Town freaked me out a bit...must have been the peanut butter thing). Happy Tuesday - Tanya

  3. You look faaabulous, darling! And I think you must have made your bag, too? Maybe next time your getaway can be longer!

  4. I LOVE the pic of Juje and Alfs. They look freaking adorable in their little outfits. I miss ya and can't wait til your home from ANOTHER vacation you brat!

  5. K SUCH a cute outfit! THAT shirt?! ADORABLE! That neckline is to die for. And that skirt is so freakin cute, I can't believe you MADE it!

  6. Okay so I feel dumb about the "neckline" part of my comment above, I just realized if you look at the shirt in that 4th picture down, the light cast makes it look like the shirt goes to a point at the right side. Ha ha, you're probably like, "Neckline? What?" Ha ha! Still a super cute shirt!

  7. Super cute skirt and slip! Great job! Mark really wanted to go to china town when we went to San Fran too,but I must say I didn't think it was so bueno. I am glad you had fun.
