
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DIY: Project labels

Why do Projects look more impressive when they have a tag on them?
They just do.

Here how to make your own:

Create labels on your computer. I used a "Label Wizard" program in Word on my Mac and set it to "return address labels", which fit perfectly on 1/2 inch wide twill Ribbon.

Print a practice sheet on regular paper to make sure it will fit your ribbon, then print onto Inkjet Printable Fabric (make sure it's iron-on).  Cut labels into 1/2 inch strips then follow printable fabric directions to press strips onto your twill ribbon. 

Just cut one from the ribbon when you finish a project and sew it on.

P.S. Win some gorgeous Moda Fabric! Click here to enter the giveaway.

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  1. Oh wow, that is really neat! I am going to make some labels this weekend! Thanks for the info!

  2. Oh wow! Thanks for the info! I had looked at commercial labels but they were so outragously priced! I will definately be making these!

  3. Oh my gosh, this is such a good idea! I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. What a GREAT idea...and SO much more economical than the ones I send for - thanks for the tutorial, Annie! Have a wonderful week - Tanya

  5. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I have been brainstorming ideas on how to put my name on the items that I make to sale. I was about ready to give up! You are a genius! Again, THANK YOU!

  6. Thanks for the tutorial...I make my labels on iron on fabric, but never thought to transfer it to ribbon. I think I'll make little double sided ones to put in the seams of my bags :)

  7. thanks for sharing!!! i recently bought some, but this is a much better (and pretty) solution :-)

  8. What a great way to make your own labels!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. Thanks for posting this great idea! Linking up from Making the World Cuter. I pinned this too! New follower and would love to have you follow me back.

  10. As usual - very creative! This is the best (and quickest) tute I have seen so far for making your own labels! Thanks! :)
    Carla @ Mrs. No-No Knows
    Mrs. No-No Knows

  11. What a great tutorial! New follow from
    Would appreciate if you would follow me back :)

  12. These are fabulous - I have been looking for something like this for ages! Thanks for sharing.
    Visiting from Whipperberry

  13. Ditto on the thanks. This is a great idea! Thanks so much for posting.

  14. Ditto on the thanks. I love this idea. to find some twill tape.
