
Monday, October 10, 2011

What I (almost) Wore: Beehive Tea Room

Dress: Darling
Slip: la la lovely
Jacket: Express
Belt: Vintage

The Beehive Tea Room is a charming restaurant and wedding library in downtown Salt Lake City. It's a favorite for lunch, because the food is delicious and the decor is fun to look at.  Collin Kartchner Studios  even took our family pictures there a few months ago. 

I was thrilled to get an invitation for a friend's baby shower being held there. So excited, in fact, that I almost showed up a month early, until I checked the invite at the last minute.  ha ha
When the day finally arrived, I put on my best "Tea Room Attire" and started heading out the door, only to be informed that Juliette's bathroom had flooded and I needed to stay with the kids while Steve ripped up all the carpet so it would't mold. 

What a Bummer! I guess it wasn't meant to be :(  
At least I got this photo of Steve being manly :) and a few self timer shots of my outfit before I traded it in for sweats. 

How was your weekend?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is such a beautiful outfit!! I'm sure it'll get to go out soon :)

  3. I hope (and know that you will) you get to wear it again, adorable, little Chica! Hope the carpet dried out ok. Things like that always seem to hit us on holiday weekends...

  4. what a bummer, but the outfit is great!

  5. Beautiful outfit! I love the Beehive Tearoom. The girls and I try to go there every year when we are in town for the SU! convention.

  6. That outfit is sooo pretty! You and Steve should go on a fancy date somewhere. :) See you soon!
