
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fetching Find and a Collection

I love to thrift shop and I do it A LOT. I find really great stuff every once in a while and thought I'd share. Check out this vintage stroller I found at a local consignment shop. I've been on the look out for something like this for my coffee table and can't wait  to put a tiny christmas tree in it in December.

I'm now keeping my eyes peeled for a fun and unique way to display my collection of measuring cups.  I've never been much of a collector, but after my friend bought me a set I thought I'd give it a try. You would be surprised how hard it is to come by novelty measuring cups. I've been collecting for a year and have only found 7 sets (if you ever see any, let me know!) Do you collect anything? How do you display it?


  1. oh my gosh I love love love the elephant measuring cups! I collect elephants because our baby that was stillborn was buried with a stuffed one. So I try to have an elephant in every room of the house as a reminder. :)

  2. Oh...that's not a's a very early stroller.. I spy a folded down handle...

    So cute...

  3. Love the elephant measuring cups too! Cool idea for your coffee table!

  4. That is actually a Taylor Tot stroller. They had a tray on the bottom that could be removed and used as a walker. I still have our children's and use it as a plant holder too.

  5. oh what have a good eye for a thrifty the sweet...thanks for linking up to the block party!

    stuff and nonsense

  6. What an absolutely incredible find! I love your collection of measuring cups too (especially the sweet little elephants)!

    I'm a fellow thrift-store junkie, and some of my collections include antique cookbooks, vintage ice cream scoops and rotary beaters. They're all displayed in my tiny kitchen.

    Best, Jenn/Rook No. 17

  7. wow, love the retro colors on the stroller/bike! elephants are everywhere now-i know some bloggers who would looove those cups! great finds!

  8. visiting you from the "Blog Party"! darling treasure! oxox, tracie

  9. Love the stroller and yes, it is called a Taylor Tot. My parents had one when I was a child and I was born in it is really old.

    Love the measuring cups. I have always been a collector and believe in displaying collections. Collections are so much more enjoyable when you can view them.

  10. Love your stroller!! I've never seen one like that! Your measuring cups are great, especially like the elephants!

  11. I featured your little blue cart today on my blog. Take a peek:

  12. That blue stroller is incredible! I would love it if you would link up to my Tuesday Confessional link party going on now:
    ~Macy from Confessions of a SAHM

  13. Cute stroller and love your measuring cups! I don't collect anything myself --oh wait a minute - does fabric count???

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  14. I love the measuring cups! I've always wanted to collect salt and pepper shakers. Right now i have..... two sets. Ha!

  15. Loved seeing this. I have a photo of me in one of these strollers!
    YOur collection of measuring cups is very cool too!

  16. What a great find! Super color and such a great conversation piece. So many possibilities! :) thanks for sharing at Transformations and Treasures!
