
Monday, June 27, 2011

Pattern Review: Abby Bag

I'll be honest, when I first saw this pattern I thought it looked, for lack of a better word, ugly.  It's a huge seller and I just couldn't understand it.  So, I thought I'd make it to see what all the fuss is about.

 I must admit, I was sad to see it go as a sample in our shop. I really wanted to keep it. 
A giant pin cushion is always great to have around and the scrap bag attached is brilliant. why don't I have a scrap bag already? I just throw all my scraps in a pile on the floor while I'm cutting, then gather them and put them in their bin what seems like years later.  
I'll think I may need to whip up another one of these beauties. 

My one suggestion with the pattern is to use upholstery (or heavy) thread for the pincushion when doing the required hand sewing.  My thread broke several times and profanities were prevalent. With that one little change, I think the next one will be very pleasant not to mention G-Rated. 


  1. It is just a fabulous looking project. I NEED one of these.

  2. Sew adorable!

    I am a new follower and I would love if you came and followed me back at A Sew Chic Boutique!

  3. This is REALLLLY REALLY CUTE! And better yet, it's functional! Just what I need...gosh, I wish I had the time to whip one up!
    I really enjoyed looking around your blog - good job :)

  4. these are really cute! I unfortunately would have to make 50 of these to hold all my little scraps! lol

  5. What a great idea to have a scrap bag attached to the pincushion! I use an old plastic honey pot! One of these would look so much better!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. I can see why you didn't know why it was a great seller, their fabric choices were hideous. Yours on the other hand are awesome.

  7. Why don't I have a scrap either? What a great project! I love it! Great fabric too! X

  8. Beautiful fabric choices and a fun project!!! So lovely.

  9. This is adorable. I have to make one of these after we move. TFS!! Stopping by from The Girl Creative linky party.

    Here is what I shared this week:
