
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sugar and Spice Party

My Baby is turning One. I'm supposed to be happy right? 
Then why am I so SAD.  If you are a parent then you know that Motherhood can be bittersweet. 
Have you ever been rocking your baby and stare at their little face and tell yourself "remember this exact moment, remember what she smells like and what she looks like and how she feels".  I've tried to ingrain those images into my memory, but they start to fade, and it isnt until I hold another little baby that those memories come flooding back.  When I watched Juliette dig into her cake it took me back to Alfie's First Birthday. Moments like these make me realize how quickly this season of life changes into the next. I guess all I can do is enjoy them and take a million pictures (which I'm pretty good at :).
We Celebrated Juju's Birthday with her Cousin Sophie. They are only 4 days apart. Juju is so Sweet and content and happy while Sophie is fiesty and opinonated and hilarious, so what better theme than "Sugar and Spice". 
50 feet of bunting

Mini Sugar and Spice Banners


Sugar and Spice Onesies Tutorial Here


  1. Oh, I know it is hard watching them get older. My kids are teenagers and before I know it they will be off to college. The party looks so cute for a 1 year old party. I think that it is great that the cousins are so close in age, they will always have each other.


  2. I totally know what you mom tells me to write everything down and I wish I were better at doing that. It's amazing how quickly those memories fade :( Anyway, your "Sugar and Spice" party was a super cute idea! And I love the bunting!!! It seems like it was a great party!

  3. ADORABLE!!! What a fun party, and the ruffled onesies are too, too cute!

  4. ADORABLE!!! I'd love for you to share it at my Pinkalicious Thursday Blog Party!


  5. My baby is one today! I was not ready for it! and still am not. It was so sad yet fun to watch her dig in her cake tonight. I miss when she just slept in my arms and only woke to eat. It's too fast!!
