
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What We Wore Wednesday: The Lake

 If you read my previous post then you know I spent an incredible week at, in my opinion, the most beautiful place on earth :)  Here is one of the swimsuits I picked up for myself. It was a hit with the Hubbie and our friends alike, and it is made of the most amazingly soft fabric. But of course nothing compared to Juliette's Suit and Cap from Janie and Jack. I've been waiting since before she was born for her to wear these. So obviously I bought them last spring, but they came out with new ones this year that are just at drool worthy.

 Suit: Nordstrom
Glasses: Ray Ban
Hat: Walmart


  1. This is such a cute swimsuit and I love the pink color you chose! Def. not a "mom" swimsuit... glad the hubby agreed :)

  2. Oh my word, you guys are too stinking cute! LOVE (!!!) both of the swimsuits!

    ps - found you through wiww!

  3. I love her little cap, how sweet!!

  4. Love the swimsuit. And love the little swim cap on your little miss.

    Adorable all around.

  5. LOVE the suit, esp the color! You look great! And your sweet girl is pretty stylin too :)

    Here's what I wore ;)

  6. Love them both - oh, how sweet her little hat is!!

  7. You are your daughter look absolutely adorable!! I love the vintage feel!! :)

  8. Love your swimsuit and your daughter is just adorable in her suit and cap!!!

  9. K I just found your blog through my friend Jennie Bennion's blog (she has said some super nice things about you as well :)), and all I have to say is I LOVE it! I'm slowly learning to sew so maybe I can pick up some ideas from you... AND this is the freakin cutest little swimsuit EVER, and that cap?! To die for! I don't even have a baby yet, but might have to go buy it in hopes of having a little girl one day. Your suit is adorable as well. Anyway, totally following your blog! Have a great day!

  10. LOVE your swimsuit and your daughter's!!! In fact, I have the day off and I'm about to go swimsuit shopping for myself! I had no idea where to begin until I googled "What I Wore Wednesday Swimsuit," and this page popped up... Nordstroms it is!
