
Monday, September 12, 2011

Date Night: Rascal Flatts Concert

Steve and I have been in need of a real date night (as in, not the movies). Steve picked us up some concert tickets to see Sara Evans and Rascal Flatts. Both were awesome.  I'm not a die-hard country music fan, but I will say this: Country music concerts are probably the funnest concerts to see.
The year Steve and I met,  Rascal Flatts had just come out with their first popular album, and we loved it and listened to it constantly, so it's kind of like a little sound track to our dating life.  We've seen them several times and they never fail to impress.

To make the night complete We ate at our favorite greasy mexican restaurant

and had dessert as Sweet Tooth Fairy, this place is the reason that I could never get off sugar . yum.....

and I wore my new bag made by Tanya. You may remember this bag, I made from the same pattern, but if you know me well, then you know I wear things out VERY quickly. When I saw that Tanya was closing her Etsy shop, I jumped online asap and purchased this.  She is definitely one of my idols when it comes to sewing skills.

Check out her machine quilting and her ribbon work flowers.

She used this fabric and her pattern, which she custom made for Sew Obsessed.

 by the way, Sew Obsessed is having a HUGE sale this week only, 30% off your entire purchase with the coupon code:

Linking to Pleated Poppy and here


  1. I love Rascal Flatts too; two of them are from Columbus, Ohio where I live. They are so good and have come a long way. Glad you enjoyed them.

  2. Great looking purse, she does a great job with her freemotion quilting!
    Quilting by the River

  3. Tanya's machine quilting is out of this world fabulous! I love rascal flatts, fast cars and freedom, does not get any better then that!
    And those cupcakes, wow, wonderful!

  4. Gorrrgeous bag!!! Lovely lovely. And those treats look fantastic. I am a sucker for sugar. :0)

    My hubs and I LOVE Rascall Flatts too! There are a few of their songs that make me think of different times in our marriage. I'd love to see them live.

  5. I remember listening to the Rascal Flats cd over and over again when it first came out.
