
Monday, October 17, 2011

What I Wore: Anniversary

Steve and I recently celebrated Anniversary number 6.  It may not seem very long to some of you, but I can't believe it's been 6 years since we got hitched, and 9 since we met.  I guess it's true what they say: "Time flies when you're having fun".  Not that it's all fun and games. We have our moments just like any other couple, and maybe even more than other couples, but I guess we just keep things exciting.
 And that's the way we like it.  Ugh... I love him.

What I Wore:


  1. Congratulations! It's wonderful to see such a loving couple. I totally understand "time flies when you're having fun"... my hubby and I have spent 15 years together and we are still having fun. Wish you and your hubby the best!

    love those shoes, BTW...

  2. Congrats!
    Those boots are adorable.

  3. Happy Anniversary, Posh and David!
    LOVE the boots, girl!

  4. Congratulations on 6 years! Love the jacket!

  5. you are so cute and happy, i love it! happy anniversary!

  6. ahhh, I love it! Happy Anniversary!! Keep on keepin' that spark alive :) love those boots!

  7. I always love your fashion sense! Beautiful! Happy Anniversary! Oh wait until you have been married over 20, gets even better! No more money fights, the kids are independent, it is just you and him and lots of funtime ;-) we just passed #22!! Whheeeeee!!

  8. OK me and Maddy love to get on your blog and gather fashion tips! Now I want to know what your bags look like and where you got them. It is such an important accessory but I never know what to pair them with etc. and where to find adorable affordable ones so come on, let us have a peek at your bag stash!

  9. Congrats on 6 years!! Our 6 yr was the 15th 8 years together on the 12th :-)

  10. Congratulations!! I just love this WIWW! You may have the sweetest one!

  11. congrats!! and happy anniversary! love this picture... your jacket is so cute.
