
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Favorite Memories Album

Do you ever feel like your friends rub off on you?

That's how I've been feeling lately.  I've never really cared for paper crafting, but the more I hang out with Lizzy and see her darling mini albums, the more I want to make my own.  So with Steve's 30th Birthday Party last week, I seized the opportunity and made a "Favorite Memories Album". I decorated each page before the party with enough room to fit an Instax Wide (Polaroids taken with my Instax 210, a camera Steve makes fun of because he says it looks like it's from 1995, and it's not old enough to be cool, yet. )
ha ha, He might be right

I took pictures of everyone at the party and let them choose a page to glue in their photo and write a favorite memory of Steve.  I could tell it really made his day to read all the nice (and funny) things people had to say about him.  

That, and the badges I made everyone wear showcasing silly and cute pictures of him growing up. I was lucky enough to sport the photo of him wearing a snuggie. :)

Between bowling, pizza, a Sweet Tooth Fairy Cupcake with 30 candles shoved into it and my Mom quilting the biking quilt we all made him at last years quilt retreat, I'd say it was a hit. 

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  1. What a great idea!
    I can't stop smiling reading your fun and cheerful :)

  2. Oh that is wonderful! I am a scrapbooker and that mini album is the best! What a great idea for a party! Congratulations on the birthday success!

  3. *Love this! I'm going to have to steal your idea of having people wear badges with pictures inside. Sounds like such a great birthday party!

  4. Great ideas!! I love everything you do!

  5. Beautiful little album! I'm not big on papercrafting myself - but am constantly amazed at what other people can do with it!

    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured your piano applique on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 71
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success
